For Women

Everyone should know Over 12 million people in the United States live with health problems caused by weakening of the pelvic muscles, hemorrhoids, incontinence, thinning and drying of the skin in the vagina, prolapse of the vagina and the uterus.Many of us feel that this is a natural condition of ageing and, because of embarrassment or even shame, some of us are reluctant to discuss these conditions even with family members or doctors. But there is something we can do. It is not necessary to change our life styles or to give up our daily activities. PelviLates® is an exercise program everyone can do.

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How do we stress and weaken our pelvic muscles?

Because we are upright and walk on two feet, the weight of our lower internal organs is supported fully by one palm sized muscle. Every time we have to force a bowel movement or to empty our bladder, suppress the urge to go to the bathroom, hold urine for extended period of time, use poor posture while sitting, participate in sports that use excess abdominal pressure we further weaken this area. Other factors which weaken the pelvic muscles and ligaments include smoking, drinking alcohol, persistent coughing, being overweight, some contraceptives, tampons, tight clothes, menopause, pregnancy and childbirth. Fortunately there are simple exercises which can help curb these conditions.

Why do we recommend PelviLates®?

If we are in tune with our bodies we can, with the help of a few simple exercises, teach our body how to rehabilitate itself and stay healthy. Untreated the symptoms worsen so the earlier we turn to a professional for help, the greater the chance to correct these conditions without surgery. As is the case with all forms of exercise, we can only expect recovery if we adhere to the exercise program regularly and live a healthy lifestyle. Today more and more specialists attach great importance to pelvic floor muscle exercises (PFME) – an exercise program specifically designed to strengthen and tighten pelvic muscles.

Incontinence is not just a senior problem

Do not for a moment believe that incontinence is only a problem for the elderly. Statistics show 50% of the age-group 18-25 experience some level of incontinence; 38% of women with one child; 57% with two children and 73% of women with three children suffer from stress incontinence. In the United States alone the number is 13 million and worldwide the figure grows to 200 million people who live with these symptoms (Harvard Health Letter). These numbers are stunningly high.


The simplest alternative is a diaper or bladder control pad which at best is expensive, uncomfortable and embarrassing. What adult wishes to contemplate the necessity of wearing a diaper for the rest of his or her life?

Another alternative is surgery, however, the success of these procedures depends in large part on the strength of the patient’s muscles and ligaments. The physician does the best he or she can but many times more than one surgery is required. The muscles and ligaments of the abdomen degrade even after surgery unless we keep them in good shape and exercise regularly. PelviLates® offers an excellent exercise program tailored specifically to strengthen and tighten the pelvic floor muscles.

The importance of PelviLates®.

The symptoms of first degree atrophy can be reduced or eliminated by PelviLates®. In the case of second degree atrophy, if the physicians feel that degradation is irreversible, surgery is often necessary. In this case it is very important to start the PelviLates® exercises before the operation to enhance the blood circulation, as stronger, more elastic muscles and ligaments heal faster. Recovery is much quicker. For some borderline cases between first and second degree atrophy, some specialists recommend a four month postponement of surgery to enable the patient to take a course of pelvic floor muscle exercises to strengthen the pelvic muscles. In many cases surgery can be avoided by continuing a regular exercise program.

The positive effects of PelviLates®.

  • enhances blood circulation to the pelvic floor
  • the muscles become stronger and more elastic
  • increases the energy supply of the perineum
  • increases muscle mass, so the muscles of the urethra, vagina and rectum become stronger
  • improves the support of the internal organs

By exercising regularly we can enhance the blood circulation of the pelvic floor, the muscles become stronger and more elastic. The energy supply of the perineum improves, the muscle mass increases, the muscles of the urethra, vagina and rectum become stronger. The stronger muscles provide better support for internal organs. We will improve the speed, strength, fitness and control of the muscles. The sense of achievement increases our self-esteem, and self-confidence, helps to keep us motivated.

In a few hours anybody can learn this light and easy to do exercise program.

At the end of the course everyone receives a personalized training program based on specific needs and conditions. By exercising a few minutes daily you too can achieve your goals. In a few weeks your muscles become stronger and healthier.

Only we can protect our health. It is up to us to use our possibilities. If we make the first step the possibility becomes reality.

One comment on “For Women
  1. Steve says:

    We live in Minnesota. Are there any YM or YWCA classes near Minneapolis?
    Would PelviLates help restore an anterior prolapse of the bladder liner separation against the vaginal wall?
    Is PelviLates available on DVD, some other manner of teaching?
    Many thanks from my wife and I.


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