PelviLates an effective alternative to go by
Elizabeth Pinter
Hungary, according to estimations, 1. 3 million people struggle with problems
originating from the weakening of the muscles in the pelvic area. The sooner we
seek professional help, the lesser the chances are to have surgery, thanks to
the corrective PelviLates exercises.
In Hungary, according to estimations, 1. 3 million people struggle with problems originating from the weakening of the pelvic muscles. Among these: hemorrhoids, stress incontinence complaints, weakening of the vagina, prolapse of the bladder and urethra, prolapse of the uterus, weakness of the rectum.
Many people think that the imbalance in their bodies is a natural process of atrophy, and they believe that it is part of the aging process. Many people stop doing their daily routines. They stop seeing relatives and friends and would rather stay at home. They even stop playing sports or exercising. All this is out of embarrassment. However, if they would pay attention to the signals of their bodies, then these annoying problems of the lower body could be reduced considerably. Unfortunately, the process of deterioration cannot be stopped, unless we do something to self-rehabilitate and preserve our health. The sooner we seek professional help and take seriously the PelviLates exercises, the lesser are the chances to have surgery.
The affected age group
It would be wrong to believe that these problems pertain only to the elders. Statistics show on a worldwide scale, that 50% of the 18-25 age group have already experienced the problem of stress incontinence. The following are the percentages of women who battle stress incontinence (or who suffer from stress incontinence): 38% of women who had only one pregnancy, 57% of women who had two pregnancies and 73% of women who had three pregnancies.
What are the pelvic floor muscles?
This consciously controlled muscle structure is located between the pelvic bone at the front and the tail bone at the back. The group of muscles that meet here work together with the controlled functions of evacuation such as opening and closing, supporting the inner organs of the lower abdomen, the sexual functions and in the giving birth process.
What burdens and weakens these muscles?
Since we walk on two feet, this little muscle the size of the palm of our hands holds part of the weight of our body, and also the weight of our internal organs. Besides, we continue to weakening this part of the body simply by our lifestyle. We can only get rid of our bad habits, (second nature to us), by being aware of them. Among these we can list the bad habits of evacuation, e.g. squeezing while evacuating, suppressing the urge, holding back the urine for a long time, bad posture, hard physical work, those types of sports that require excessive abdominal pressure, shaking, jerking, smoking, chronic coughing, certain medications, being overweight, birth control devices, tampons, tight clothing, sucking stomach in, stress. The following are known as facts that influence the weakening of the lower body: inflammation, menopause, pregnancy, delivery, types of delivery, the baby and mother’s proportions. All of these together contribute to loosen the muscles of the pelvis, to diminish the blood circulation and lead to further deterioration. This leads to the internal organs not having adequate support from below; subsequently, the muscles of the pelvic area reach their first stage of atrophy. In this case, the closing functions get injured.
The results are stress incontinence, the weakening of the vagina muscle, hemorrhoids, weakening of the rectum. The second stage of atrophy presents herniated alterations caused by deterioration. In this case, the organs shift from their normal positions, i.e. the results are bladder and urethra hernias/prolapses, rectal and vaginal prolapse, prolapse of the uterus, disturbances in orgasm.
Importance of exercise
The symptoms that belong to a first-degree category where the weakening of the muscles occurs, can be corrected or completely healed using these specific exercises. In the case of second-degree atrophy, where the descent mutation is irreversible, according to the specialists, surgery is needed. It is important to start with the exercises before the surgery to strengthen the muscles and to have a better blood supply. These exercises can speed up the healing process after surgery. By exercising regularly, we can avoid muscles’ atrophy and loose connective tissues. This way, we can potentially avoid a series of potential surgeries.
Another solution would be to have around 200 types of plastic surgery; however, this usually does not bring about the expected results in the long run. After surgery, depending on the strength of the patients’ connective tissues and muscles, weak blood circulation and what their daily activities are symptoms might disappear for a few months. Then, everything could start all over again; the symptoms could reappear, and one surgery could follow the next one. Unfortunately, the outcome of the surgery does not last forever. If by consciously exercising the muscles of our pelvic floor and by paying attention to our lifestyle, only then we can expect to heal or prevent further problems.
To whom do we recommend PelviLates and why?
For young mothers, strengthening and making the muscles used in giving birth more flexible, and speeding up the regeneration process after giving birth in all the pelvic area. Also, for women who want to relieve menstrual cramps, decrease the possibility of inflammation in the lower portion of the body, strengthening the front and the back wall of the vagina, for the treatment of the weakening of the pelvic muscles, for abnormalities originating when the organs prolapse, regulate menstruation, increase libido, and orgasm or enhance conception.
We also recommend it to those who think they do not have a problem and postpone exercising. Furthermore, it is important for those who already started the exercises but stopped for some reason. In reality, to be able to stay healthy and avoid muscles’ atrophy, we must allocate time for the exercises just like for putting our makeup on, taking a shower, brushing our teeth or eating.
A course of eight hours
It is easy and fun to do these exercises given in an 8-hour course. Everyone gets a personalized program, at the end. By completing the daily exercises over an 8 – 10 week period, which only takes a short period of each day, we can experience:
- a considerable increase in muscle power
- improvement in the blood supply of the pelvic area
- strengthening of the connective tissues
- more flexibility in the pelvic floor muscles
- increased energy supply to the pelvis
- increased mass of the muscle
- stronger support for the internal organs
- stop or reduce incontinence,
- help regulate bowel movements,
- eliminate or reduce the symptoms of hemorrhoids,
- stop or reduce menstrual spasm,
- regulate menstruation,
- increase the chance of conception,
- enhance the libido and orgasm
- the mucous membrane becomes more resistant,
- the weakened vagina muscles become tighter,
- the rectal muscles get stronger,
- shorten the time of recovery after surgery or delivery.
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